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Sacile, Italy

Updated: Jun 23, 2019

Sacile, Friuli-Venezia Giuila, Italy

Laura & Wilson's big day was in the most adorable Italian town Sacile. Sacile is lined with waterways and small shops and is exactly in my mind what the Italian countryside should look like. The birds were chirping, the sky was perfectly blue and the day was absolutely charming. The ceremony was held in the towns one church and it was a long traditional Italian ceremony. The officiant stands and the bride and groom are seated at a table at the front of the church. Long reminders of how marriage is lots of work, sharing the household is hard, loving each other through the good times and bad, being faithful and being kind to each other were recited in Italian and then translated into English. The ceremony was traditional and sweet and quite the opposite of anything I ever expected for a wedding, but non the less such a beautiful and happy day. Congratulations Laura & Wilson!


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