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Klondike Park St Charles, MO

Updated: Jun 23, 2019

Honestly as a third time mom I thought going back to work after having a baby would get easier but it really only gets harder. I delivered Ezra a lot earlier than expected which kind of threw a wrench in all my scheduling and in order to time everything proper for announcements and to not squish everything into the heart of wedding season I ended up going back to three weeks after delivering, which was my original plan, but after we spent ten days in the NICU it felt more like one week after. Needless to say leaving little man was so hard and I had to put on my big girl pants and pretend it was easier than it was. Lucky for me these two really were the perfect start to my work season again. These two love birds are so fun. When I first met these two for coffee to discuss the potential of being their wedding photographer I knew we were a perfect match after our meeting turned in to a longer chat about Jesus, politics, and everything in-between. I don't normally ever discuss these types of things with clients, and you will probably never catch me doing it again, but somehow we got down the rabbit hole of life and here we were knee deep in political discussions in Panera. It was oddly such a refreshing conversation. I had been living in the area only a few weeks I felt like God plopped these two down right in my path. For not knowing me, they really made me feel welcome to the area and it was such a blessing to meet young people who love Jesus. Fast forward to our session together these two were willing to climb up on hills, rocks, trails, cliffs, you name it. Jade ran around the entire session in heels like she had on sneakers. They were flawlessly dressed and so willing to see out my vision in whatever ideas I threw at them. We may have all been drenched in sweat and covered in bug bites but the view was worth it and I am so happy they were my first day back to work. I absolutely love my job, people probably hear me say this constantly but it is really true. I am constantly reminded of that when I get to spend hours hanging out with amazing couples just documenting such a fun and exciting time in their lives. The whole car ride back from this session was one where I sat there and just felt so grateful. So incredibly grateful. How many people get to have a career they love and are recharged by rather than drained by. So shoutout to my clients for allowing me to support my family financially and do something I love. But also for filling my soul up continuously with so much fire for photography. I love you all endlessly.


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