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The Birth of Willow

It was a particularly stormy morning, the kind that makes you want to hide inside and drink an extra cup of coffee in your pjs. Willow was going to be welcomed via schedule C-section and you could definitely feel the peace in the room when I arrived. Mom and Dad were calm and excited and the delivery was very routine. To me, it always feels like time stands still when a baby is delivered, everything slows down and speeds up all at once. I feel so incredibly blessed every time I get to document a birth story and this one was magical. The transition from one to two kids, the moment of having a sweet baby girl in your arms for the first time. She's yours, all yours. Those new baby smells and tiny fingers wrapped around yours. The feeling of relief knowing pregnancy is over and also anticipation knowing a major recovery process is coming. It's so powerful to watch it all unfold.


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